Logo design and visual branding for an Oklahoma brewery concept that is still in the aspirational stage.

Logo design and branding applied to storefront window graphics for an Oklahoma brewery

Bellamy Brewing isn't just a brewery—it's a vision. An ambition. The dream of a burgeoning Oklahoma brewer. Bringing this dream into reality takes more than just the brewing process. It requires a compelling brand identity. Inspired by the rich history of Samuel Bellamy, the wealthiest pirate known, Bellamy Brewing draws on his story to infuse its visual identity with inspiration, purpose, and character.


Crafting a visual brand for a brewery that is still in the aspirational stage. How might we translate the essence of Samuel Bellamy's story into a brand identity that not only resonated with the client but also captivated potential consumers in a competitive market?


Through a meticulous strategic design process, we developed a brand identity that seamlessly integrates classic pirate imagery with a contemporary twist. The result is more than just a logo, it's a visual system that represents the pursuit of dreams. Bellamy Brewing now possesses an iconic and memorable identity, setting the stage for its future as a real, kick-ass brewery.

Scope of Project

  • Discovery workshops

  • Identity system

branded support graphic applied to a t-shirt for an Oklahoma brewery
Animated sequence showing logo design, branding system, and sketches for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design and branding applied to exterior building signage for an Oklahoma brewery
animated sequence showing logo design and branding applied to beer packaging, coasters, bottle caps, and pint glasses for an Oklahoma brewery
branded logo variation applied to a black flag for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design and branding applied to a t-shirt for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design applied to beer pint glass for an Oklahoma brewery

Establishing a design direction without a full blown brand strategy.

Calibrating the client’s design tastes and desires.

To bridge the gap between the client's vision and the design process, we went through a couple discovery workshops. These sessions involved analyzing preferred and disliked design examples, extracting valuable insights to define positive and negative constraints.

We established a check list of design preferences:​​​​​​​

  • One-color or high-contrast aesthetics

  • Striking a balance between simplicity and complexity

  • Subtle use of visual tricks

  • Graphic elements with a touch of intricate details

  • A suggestion of a handmade touch

  • Incorporating expressive faces

  • Striking a balance between vintage and timeless

  • Immediate visual comprehension

animated sequence showing slides from discovery workshop for an Oklahoma brewery

Using visuals to get past the subjectivity of words.

To solidify the visual direction, we created mood boards for typography and graphic style. These boards provided real references, enhancing our shared understanding of the chosen aesthetic.

mood board showing typography and design inspiration for an Oklahoma brewery
mood board showing logo and design inspiration for an Oklahoma brewery
mood board combining typographic and design mood boards for an Oklahoma brewery

A fun system of visual branding based around a clever logo.

Animated sequence showing logo design, branding system, and sketches for an Oklahoma brewery
Animated sequence showing logo design, branding system, and sketches for an Oklahoma brewery

Bellamy Brewing's new branding draws from classic pirate symbolism, featuring a large black flag with a “Death's Head and Bones.” The custom typography strikes a balance between bold, legible, and unique, avoiding excessiveness of hand lettering. Supporting graphics echo the typography's angles and playfulness, adding a nuanced layer of detail to icons and illustrations.

horizontal logo design for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design icon sketch for an Oklahoma brewery
branded hopps icon design for an Oklahoma brewery
branded support graphic sketch for an Oklahoma brewery
horizontal logo design sketch for an Oklahoma brewery
branded support graphic showing a beer drinking skeleton for an Oklahoma brewery
centered icon logo variation for an Oklahoma brewery
branded support graphic showing a shrugging skeleton for an Oklahoma brewery
branded support graphic showing two beer glasses clanging together for an Oklahoma brewery
centered icon logo design sketch  for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design word mark for an Oklahoma brewery
centered stacked logo design variation for an Oklahoma brewery
logo design icon for an Oklahoma brewery
branded support graphic sketch for an Oklahoma brewery

The core icon of the brand cleverly incorporates a visual trick—the eyes of the skull double as the letter B's, pulled straight from the main wordmark. This subtle easter egg pays homage to classic cartoon eyes, infusing the brand with character and uniqueness.

diagram showing the inspiration and rationale for the logo and brand design for an Oklahoma brewery
reference to mickey mouse to show a specific style of cartoon eyes the logo design for an Oklahoma brewery uses

With the unveiling of Bellamy Brewing's new visual identity, the dream brewery takes a significant step closer to its realization. Armed with a distinctive and captivating visual brand, Bellamy now stands poised to make a lasting impact in the competitive brewing landscape.


Thurmond Logo Design


Abraxas Labs Branding & Website