Bad logos say too much.
A great logo doesn’t try to say anything.
A logo that communicates is not always bad. Communicating just shouldn’t be the priority. Actually, there are tons of great logos that have "secret messages" (and just as many stupid buzzfeed-y listicles about them).
The Tostitos logo is a good example. It's nice and distinctive. It easily identifies the brand with its bold text. It’s a good logo.
But there's more.
The graphic chip and salsa are representative of the product AND the feature.
Product: chips/salsa
Feature: yummy yummy and they're even better together
But there's even more.
The two T's have been personified into two chips and salsa loving human representations. This little visual trick is a representation of the product's benefit.
Product: chips/salsa
Feature: yummy yummy, they're even better together
Benefit: bring people together, friends are awesome
This logo is doing more than simply acting as a symbol to identify a Tostitos product. It’s saying a little something about the brand and product too.
But maybe that communication only works because we know the brand. Because we know that Tostitos sell chips and salsa and stuff like that. Hmmm...
Imagine you live within a culture that does not eat chips & salsa. You don't even know what it is (bummer for you).
Looking at this logo as a person that has no idea what chips or salsa are, maybe you make the connection that those T's are humans. But those simple colorful shapes don't mean shit to you.
It doesn't really matter because you can read it easily: TOSTITOS
And when you inevitably rip that bag open and dip that crispy, salty goodness into that salsa, your life will change.
Shocked, you look back at the bag marked by the bold and legible TOSTITOS and something clicks. That meaningless triangle and circle suddenly make sense.
OHHHHH, I get it now!
Now that moment and that logo are burned into your brain.
Like I said, chips and salsa will change your life.
So, logos can communicate something. They just shouldn't do it at the expense of being a good logo.