Change is a process. Don't fake it.
A great prophet once said:
I'm hot cuz I'm fly
You aint cuz you not
This is why
This is why
This is why i'm hot
Joking aside, this is actually kinda genius.
Thinking about your personal brand or business brand, it’s crucial to know who you are.
It might be even more important to know who you are not.
Here's the tricky part:
We are what we are. So we can’t be something we are not. (this is the genius of the lyrics)
Of course, you can work and aspire to change yourself and your business.
But change is a process.
You can't fake it. So don't.
It’s BS and we can smell it from a mile away.
Keep it real
— Rvw
PS. “Fake it till you make it” needs to die. But that is an email for another day (it’s not about being hot or fly or not).
PPS. Thank you to MIMS' 2000s classic that I randomly heard the other day.