Is community service punishment or pleasure?
Damn, this quote from Guerrilla Marketing hits hard:
Become involved with your community, and it will become involved with you.
It works on pretty much all levels. But think of it at the bottom, most granular perspective. Treat the people you want to do business with as your community.
The BMX/skate industry and culture are the worst at accepting new brands and new people into our worlds. Unless you’ve put in the blood, sweat, and years, we don’t give a shit.
To be considered, a brand has to be perceived as supporting the industry, not just taking advantage. Pay some pro’s. Put on some contests. Don’t be lame.
Whatever you do, don't just come in here to take what you can get and leave.
We’re fully aware that big brands like Nike or Adidas are only here while they can make a buck. But you know why most of us accept them (sometimes begrudgingly)?
Because they put their money where their mouth is. They pay pro’s big money. They put on some great contests. They support the industry.
Think about your community. The people you want to do business with. Do you give anything back or do you just take? Support your industry, whatever industry that may be. And they’ll be more likely to support you
You might not have a huge budget like Nike or Adidas. But sweat equity proves more than your words or money ever could.
Keep it real
— Rvw