No time for branding

For brand, the future affects the past. Huh?

Strap in because we gettin heady with this one.

Humans experience time linearly. Our arrow of time moves in one direction.

The arrow of time for brand is not linear. It's circular: future > present > past > repeat

Your brand is the future:

Brand is a promise. It is what a person expects from you. It is how they hope to remember you. It fuels the perception people have right now, in the present.

Your brand is the present:

Brand is how you are making people feel right now. It is keeping or breaking the promise. It is the memory you are creating for the people experiencing your business. It is how they will remember you. It is the fuel for the past

Your brand is the past:

Brand is what is in the memory of the people who have had any experience with your business. It is how they remember you. It is the fuel for the future. 

Future. Present. Past  

Anticipation. Experience. Memory

And that's not even the crazy part lol. The crazy part is that all of that circular arrow of time stuff is triggered by your brand assets (if they're good enough).

Your logo, name, colors, and product/service are all like wormholes into the crazy spacetime of brand. Make sure the wormholes go to the right places in time.


P.S. That was a fun one.

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