The effects of branding on my kids
Here's another anecdote about the value of distinctive design inspired by my kids.
They had spent the day at their grandmother's house. As we're walking out to the car to load up and head home, we hear a plane. We always look up at planes because my daughter likes to eat them (she pretends to pick them out of the sky and then CHOMP). But this time, it was my son that surprised me.
Look, it's just like Yaya's plane! It's just like the plane at Yaya's house!
Yaya is grandma. And she had once gotten him a tiny Southwest Airlines toy plane at the airport. And he freaking recognized the plane in the air as the same type of plane as the toy.
I was kinda mind-blown for a couple reasons:
Insane distinctiveness. He's never said it about any other plane that flies over.
Insane design. Not only is it distinctive, but it's recognizable by a 3 year old tens of thousands of feet away.
Spotted and recalled by a 3 year old thousands of feet away...Yeah dude, design matters.
Keep it real
— Rvw