A personal brand is not real

There are some problems with the term "personal brand." Let's kick this shit around.

A company's brand is basically its reputation (it's not perfect, but it's easy to understand).

So for the sake of argument, let's agree: Brand = business reputation.

People can obviously have business reputations. We simply call them reputations.

So the term "personal brand" just overcomplicates it.

Ideally, reputations are built from people being people. Being themselves (one might even say authentic, but let's avoid that word)

A personal brand is kayfabe.

What the shit is that you ask? From Wikipedia: "In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as 'real' or 'true'...Kayfabe was fiercely maintained for decades with the intent to deceive fans..."

That's why a personal brand is not real. Because it's kayfabe. It's a reputation built around a personality that's not true. It's a deception. 

How do you want to show up in the world; as yourself or as Macho Man Randy Savage?


P.S. Hi Paul 👋


Great branding is oxymoronic


Is your brand narcissistic?