Is your brand narcissistic?
The narcissism of small differences is the idea that the more a relationship or community shares commonalities, the more likely the people in it are to engage in interpersonal feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to minor differences perceived in each other. (Wikipedia)
You see this a lot when the codes of subcultures are violated.
But what about you and your competition? Are you being narcissistic?
How might you present your business in a way that is different enough to escape the narcissism of small differences?
What if you could avoid competing entirely?
Obviously, an aspirational question. But it's something worth thinking about.
Compare metal music and pop music.
Both are music, but they're not the same (duh). You can like both. You can also prefer one over the other. And sometimes your taste depends on the song.
Either way, It's not quite a competition.
Maybe genre is not a tight enough commonality?
Okay then, what about cover songs?
The Rolling Stones aren't exactly competing with The Sundays because I prefer The Sundays' version of Wild Horses. Honestly, I would be unaffected if I never heard the Stones' version ever again.
So, how do we do this in business? What's business equivalent to genres and cover songs?
I don't know but it's something I like to think about.
PS. Sorry, this one is a little ambiguous. I want to start putting out more of my thoughts in development and have yall push back or reinforce them. Reply, lemme know what you think.