Be the black sheep

You're all sheep.

Let’s be real, you're pretty much selling the same stuff as your competition. How do you expect to stand out? 

The world is so tech-centric now. Practically everyone knows how to use modern tech. There are exceptions, obviously. But in general, we have become sophisticated enough to have an opinion on what makes tech good and what makes tech bad.

Well, the world is also brand-centric now. In general, we have become sophisticated enough to have an opinion on someone's branding, good or bad.

So if you are in a boring space with very minor product/service differences, trying to stand out with "better" or "improved" products/services is a waste of time. Forget it.

Remember, we're brand-centric too. So, don't be afraid to stand out with your branding. 

Sure, a lot of the boring category shit is a direct result of stuff that has become a category signal. Stuff like:

  • Blue sterility and healthcare

  • Green leaves and organic products

  • Ornamental monograms and luxury goods

These category codes are very similar to cultural codes. The codes that allow subcultures to know who's a poser or not. 

But here's the thing. Even the codes of the tightest subcultures get updated. Of course, there's a right way and wrong way to do it. But this is how culture, in general, updates. 

So why not your category? 

Why not your business?

Doesn't matter if it's a business category code, a culture code, or even an esoteric subculture code. They are begging to be changed.

Use branding to stand out within a boring-ass category.

You're a sheep. But why not be the black sheep?


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