Design isn’t a step in the chain
“design isn’t just a step in the chain”
I recently finished reading Org Design for Design Orgs. That's a quick line from the book that really resonated with me.
But to be honest, they don't go far enough.
Design IS the chain. It's the whole thing.
“Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.”
That's another quote I've always loved, from Herbert Simon.
Being a designer can be so f-ing annoying sometimes because a seemingly "tiny" change or simple problem to solve immediately becomes every problem to solve. You're sent down a never-ending death spiral desperate to find the root of the issue at hand.
Because any designer worth their salt wants to solve the problem, not the symptom. And we live in a world covered in band-aids treating symptoms.
Sometimes there are so many band-aids that you will never be able to uncover the problem.
Design isn't just a step in the chain. It IS the chain.
And YOU are a designer even if you're not a "designer."
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