Embrace constant variation
A brand system should not be tyrannically rigid or aimlessly flexible.
It just needs to be distinctive, repeatable, and recognizable.
In the past, I've blabbered on and on about rigidly flexible brand systems. I said they were like hippie dictators.
Well, some time has passed and now I have a few really good examples. Now, I wouldn't call these examples "systems." They're pretty much just logos, but it'd be super easy to deconstruct each example and make a short list of its constants + variables (the things that never change and the things that do change).
They're extremely good visual examples of how something can simultaneously be radically varied and the same.
Just seeing the Google Image pages reinforces the point. When you scan the page, it's extremely obvious which variations DO NOT fit.
Repeatable. Recognizable. Distinctive.
Can you think of some other awesome examples? Reply and lemme know.
P.S. Sometimes I just feel like I'm curating cool shit. This is an old draft I dug up and finished. It was inspired by multiple smart people.
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