Make your branding boring—Part 2
A boring brand system is good?
Yes, the more boring a system of branding is to use, the better it is.
The boring ENABLES the good.
Think about it like an assembly line.
From the perspective of the assembly line worker, it's a shitty and boring job. So. Much. Monotony.
Yep, it really sucks for them. BUT, what they're assembling, the product at the end of the line, is INSANELY consistent.
So consistent that customers expect it.
Considering this, it makes NO SENSE to change the assembly process on a whim.
It would be crazy to let an assembly line worker's boredom motivate random changes to add doo-dads, bells, and whistles once the line is up and running.
That ruins the entire point of an assembly line. There's no benefit
It's the same for your branding.
Incessantly changing it, and updating it on a whim defeats the whole purpose of having a branding system.
It might be a fact that you, or your designer, or your creative team are bored with it because you see it every day, all day.
But that's not a fact for customers or clients.
Embrace boring branding.
P.S. Thanks to my buddy Sean Nemetz for the inspiring convo.
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