Boring is beneficial as hell

Branding (the act of making or doing something that will have an influence on your reputation) should be really boring. 

It doesn’t really matter much how you feel about making it or publishing it. It doesn't really matter much if you like what you're doing or what you're saying

What matters the most is how it looks and feels and sounds to customers and clients.

To them, a lack of consistency looks sketchy. And when you let your personal emotions direct how you go about branding your business, you're introducing sketchiness. 

Your company needs to show up consistently in the ways that are appropriate for the business. Not you. 

Take yourself, your designer, your copywriter, and anyone else out of it.

Sound stupid, rigid, systematic, and boring? It is.

And that's exactly why it's beneficial.


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    Stereotypes are good


    Make your branding boring