Cool branding, no logo

If you enjoy certain beverages from aluminum cans then you for sure know what a koozie is. But can you describe their logo? Did you even know they had a logo?

Did you even know Koozie was a brand and not just a thing you put on a beer?

I didn't.

I spontaneously spotted a Koozie logo and my brain melted. How have I seen thousands of koozies but have never seen the logo? How have I never even thought about WHY we call it a koozie?

This just proves that a logo is NOT a brand and that you don't even need a logo to create a brand. 

So how did they do it? Here are some thoughts off the top of my head:

The Koozie product is cool.

Koozies are way better than all the other crappy alternatives. It’s simple and classic, unlike those stupid heavy Yeti things you have to screw together. And it actually keeps your beverage cool for a long time, unlike those cheap flimsy sleeve things. 

The Koozie name is cool.

Koozie. It follows most, if not all, of the "rules" of creating great brand names. It's super easy to remember and it's extremely distinctive. So much so that the name has come to describe an entire product category. Think Kleenex, Band-Aid, Xerox, Aspirin, and Jacuzzi.

The Koozie moment is cool

Koozies aren't used ALL the time. They usually make an appearance during special occasions, usually outdoors. On the beach, floating the river, at the pool, BBQs, holidays. Most, if not all, of these are big, memorable moments. They're basically parties. And they're always fun

Product, name, and association. Those are 3 incredibly powerful brand assets. 

So no, you don’t need a logo to have a brand. You just need to be like Koozie. 

You need to be cool.


P.S. See what I did there? Pretty…cool, huh?

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    You DO NOT need a logo


    Your culture is your brand