Your culture is your brand

It's been a while since we talked about internal branding. Or culture, if you'd rather call it that. 

Internal branding is all the ways you influence your team, your employees, or any partners’ feelings about your business.

Are you doing any internal reputation influence intentionally? Or is it just happening by accident? (It’s happening whether you like it or not, so it’s either intentional or accidental)

You've clarified and defined an internal brand character, right? Something aspirational, something your employees and stakeholders hold as the ideal way to do business, right?

And you're holding everyone accountable to the internal brand, right? 

I mean, all this stuff is upstream from your external branding. It's the stuff that inspires and informs what your employees do. 

And it's been said before: Employees might be the most overlooked part of branding.

What your employees do, and the decisions they make, affect how customers perceive and remember your business.

Here's a mic-drop quote from Org Design for Design Orgs:

If a company has a poor relationship with its own employees, how can it expect to have good ones with its customers?


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    Cool branding, no logo


    Stereotypes are good