How does it feel to get nickel and dimed?

It feels like shit.

Your brand reputation is greatly skewed by the last impression someone had with your company.

Some of you are service providers, charging by the hour, which basically opens the door to a tension filled relationship. So what's the lasting impression from charging by the hour?

Charging by the hour makes it difficult to accurately estimate cost/time for the customer. Boo

Charging by the hour does not incentivize a service provider to be better or more efficient. Booo

Charging by the hour puts all the risk on the customer. Because if the provider sucks, the customer pays. BOOOOOO

Charging by the hour basically screws over the customer and the provider.

As a service provider, don't you want to get faster (and better) at what you do so you can deliver more value in less time and make more money (in a not-sleazy way)?

As a customer, wouldn't you prefer the peace-of-mind of an agreed upon price. Who cares about overages, that's not your problem. Wouldn't you fucking love it if the provider delivered faster than expected? You might even be willing to pay more money for that.

It's possible to design your services in a way that delivers value to customers and your business. You just have to be willing to care about the customer more than the way things have always been.

What kind of lasting impression would that leave?

Hit me up

— Rvw


Nike's logo: Communication or identification?


Branding in 280 characters or less