Liquid death to your brand
Man, brand and marketing folks are in love with Liquid Death and just won't stop talking about them.
But to me, there's something off about Liquid Death. They feel like they're trying way too hard or something.
I've been putting off writing about Liquid Death for quite a while now because I don't want to just be contrarian for the sake of it (which I tend to do).
I just don't think people talk about this brand with enough nuance, clarity, or context.
Liquid Death is celebrated for their risk-taking, that they don't play it safe, that they're so authentic blah blah blah.
Which yeah, risk-taking is a lot easier to do when you're starting from nothing. But what about when you've inherited a brand that's been around for 10 years?
Seems pretty dumb to barge in and insist "wE NeEd tO bE MoRe LiKe LiQuId DeAtH!"
Doing what Liquid Death does just isn't the right path for all brands.
Brands are like people. Some are boring. Some are quiet. Some are forgettable. Some are awesome. Some are loud.
And that's okay. Actually, it's necessary.
If every person you knew was a human Liquid Death you would be very annoyed.
And if every brand acted like Liquid Death the world would not be a better place.
Even if you did copy Liquid Death, it ain't going to be you and it ain't going to be them. So what's the point?
Why be a shittier version of something that already exists?
Brands just need to be themselves. That's real "authenticity."
It has nothing to do with risk or playing it safe or whatever.
Play within your court, not someone else’s.
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