3 tips for branding that doesn't suck.
The purpose of a logo is to identify a company or brand. It is not to communicate anything about the company or brand. A logo is kinda like your signature. Your signature identifies you but it doesn't tell the world your age, weight, height, etc. That stuff is communicated by the context around the signature like a form, legal waiver, in-person communication, etc.
A logo does not need to explain to the world what you do or what you stand for. That's your branding's job. A logo just needs to be distinctive and appropriate.
Think of a logo like a cup. That cup holds meaning for each individual person that sees the logo and experiences the brand. The cup is empty until someone sees the logo and experiences the brand in some way. The first time someone sees your logo, the symbol is basically meaningless to them because. The cup is mostly empty because there's not much more than a first impression. Over time, meaning is poured into the cup with every interaction or experience people have with your company. Eventually, your logo will be a full cup—a symbol that stores all the experiences someone has had with your company.
At this point your logo goes from meaning-LESS to meaning-FULL. We are all different people so our cups might hold different meanings for the same logos. It becomes a trigger for your company’s reputation.
From first-impression to reputation, your logo and identity are important. But good design does not equal a good brand. Be sure you create experiences that let people fill the cup with positive meaning. That will have more influence on your company's reputation than any design ever could.
So what’s the difference between meaning-LESS and meaning-FULL? Let’s talk about traffic signs. A red octagon and a yellow diamond. One means STOP to practically every human on earth. A stop sign is distinctive and full of meaning. I'd argue that we don't even need the words STOP to understand. All we need are the shape and color. This is meaningful identity.
A typical yellow traffic sign is not distinctive from all the other yellow traffic signs. It could mean merge, x-ing, yield, or a number of other things. Therefore, a yellow diamond has no meaning. In fact, normal yellow traffic signs require an additional symbol and/or words. This is communication.
Be distinctive. Be memorable. Be easy to recognize. Then, be awesome so your customers can put their good vibes and positive meaning into your symbol.