I didn’t agree with the official GoDaddy rebrand.
Branding is complicated. I’m not posting this to say that I’m right and they’re wrong. The truth is, they have the new identity they wanted. No doubt the process was long, involved A LOT of minds, and required even more approvals. If it wasn’t what they desired, it would have never launched.
It’s laughably generic. Look at all these charming and distinctive logos whipped into sameness. Add GoDaddy to the list.
From the outside looking in, it seems they wanted a new look to create an obvious moment in their brand story that signals that they have a new focus (entrepreneurs) and new services.
Having said that, I don’t think a radical change was necessary. It rarely is. Update and modernize, sure. But why throw away a very distinctive and visual part of the brand’s legacy and heritage? BUILD ON IT!
GoDaddy’s funky 90s man is awesome! Embrace it! Unfortunately they chose not to. Fortunately I played around and made something real quick to get my point across.
Now, they just have that weird “GO” heart icon thing that just seems so odd to embrace. Generic. Not distinctive at all. Sad.
Two great examples of a rebrand building on the past happened recently. My design heroes at Pentagram rebranded Fisher-Price and Tripadvisor launched a new look. Both are great.
Agree or disagree? Hit me up and let’s talk about it.