Response: Is customer service branding?

Friend of the list Dennis L. sent in this response to Is customer service branding? 

And, to be honest, he's bringing some heat today, so I'm just going to quote him (I've made some spacing edits for emphasis):

"Love today's message about customer service as a constituent of a brand. Had that chat with somebody yesterday. 

Great product + bad service = Brand damage. 

OK product + great service = Brand strength.

Bad or indifferent service tells customer: "We don't care."

Great service on imperfect product tells customer: "We're not perfect yet, but we're getting there, and we have your back." 

It's an underdog theme which has universal appeal."

Everything you do has an effect on how people and customers feel about you. 

So yeah. Customer service IS branding.

Never underestimate the influence your employees and customer experience has in making people feel delighted or pissed off. 


P.S. Sorry, a little late on sharing this one. Cut me some slack, haha.

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